Executive President’s Column

Greetings and welcome to the first edition of Zimbabwe Chemical Society (ZCS) newsletter, which we expect to help you have an appreciation of chemistry and ZCS activities. It is not surprising that even the majority of sister professionals are not conversant with chemistry and its applicability in nation building. Therefore, the introduction of this newsletter is in the spirit of enhancing better understanding of chemistry and ZCS as well as to demystify myths or misconceptions around power and role of chemistry in nation building.


Today, chemical industry is everywhere in our surroundings and it plays a crucial role in our everyday life. There is no doubt that the serious environmental problems that mankind has to face today will have to be resolved in the near future, at least in part. It is with chemistry, along with other sciences and technologies, that these difficulties will be resolved through the new mild techniques that industry is in the process of developing with the help of researchers from various origins and cultures. This multicultural and multi-science approach should ensure the essential transition towards environmentally-friendly behaviour.


The development of science as a whole, and of chemistry in particular, is an essential step in the technological and social progress of humanity and in the protection and the future of our planet. One of ZCS’s objective is first and foremost to encourage pupils and students to discover or explore chemistry but also to introduce chemistry to the general public, to audiences in primary and secondary schools, universities and policy makers through various means including radio and TV talk shows, museums and centres of scientific culture.


Please note that we also value reader’s invaluable feedback. In the next edition, we will specifically reserve space for readers’ comments, adverts, letters, enquiries, questions and answers. ZCS is exclusively yours, and we are but just your servants.



Dr. Gift Mehlana

ZCS Executive President